May 19, 2012

Never Wanted, Never Wasted, Never Lack of Ammo

This mods are request from my fellow homies, dedicated for player that getting tired typing BAGUVIX, AEZAKMI and FULLCLIP in game.

This mods runs automatically, no need key pressed to activated. Just copy to your cleo folder in game folder
(you'll need cleo library installed on ur game).

With this mod you will:
- never wanted by the cops
- never loose health/armour
- never lack of ammo

Its different with god mod, with this mods u'll get hurt but you'll never loose health or armour.
Unlimited ammo mods made by James227uk.

Thanks for visiting my blog and enjoy the mods.

Download Link


  1. gan ane bisa minta mod radar ama senjata yang di p[okoj kanan atas ga L) thx

  2. can you upload the mod radar and weapons that are in the top right corner you can give it mod. if you want I'm very grateful please email it to me :) thank you and give guidance for the installation of the mod

  3. Uploaded, check the download section at tools & Plugin
    read the ReadMe.txt for the install instruction


    Sudah di upload, periksa bagian unduh pada tools & plugin
    baca ReadMe.txt untuk instruksi pemasangan


  4. Gan, klo senjata yang ditaruh di belakang itu pake mod apa?
