December 21, 2012

GTA Snow San Andreas 2011 Full HQ

This Package Mod is epic, worth to download full modified environtment in high quality texture.


Snow San Andreas 2011 HQ - a global winter modification, which is different from all other mods snow high quality and their chips. 

Modification developed almost a year! Beautiful reflection and shine snow, new solar flare, auto light, the light of lanterns,  all this is now not uses the same texture as it was before ... weather, clouds, winter nature also been processing ... 

There is no need to press buttons to snow has gone - he is himself and is constantly changing the amount and weather conditions. 

Want to dazzle snowball!? Not a problem! by pressing "Ctrl" CJ bend and blinding snow, should aim and press the button again and he throws it! Snow truck, Santa Claus sleigh with reindeer, sleighs, snowmen on the street - they are also present! grass and green bushes - all this no longer, as in the old Snow Andreas! under the wheels are no longer flying dust and dirt, and the snow. When driving a car will always leave a trail.

Installation Specify the folder with a clean GTA SA and be sure to read and set the Read Me Christmas Radio! modification Features: 

1) The card is covered with snow, 

2) High quality texture (512x512, 1024x1024) 
3) 70% of the new vehicles, 
4) New effects,
5) are the traces of the snow from the wheels and shoes, 
6) Christmas radio ChristmasFM , 
7) The new "winter" vegetation; 
8) The SRT3 1.7; 
9) New clothes,
10) Integrated Project Oblivion 2010 HQ Winter Edition; 
11) Choice of standard pereteksturennoy vegetation and PO 2010 HQ; 
12) is present on all cars in the snow tires, 
13) Replacement of all weapons, 
14) Randomnaya weather; 
15) in foggy weather on cars switched beam; 
16) steam from his mouth CJ'ya and passers- 
17) The snow crunches under your feet; 
18) Garlands at CJ's house 'I and others, 
19) A realistic winter weather, 
20) The ability to throw snowballs at passers-by, 
21) snowdrifts and icicles on houses and other things (in the next version) 
22) Effect of snow under the wheels of a car, 
23) CJ sometimes slips;
24) HQLM Snow SA Edition. and much more awaits you in the GTA: Snow San Andreas 2011 HQ!

Preview Video:

Download Link: 1,4 Gb (auto installer to clean GTA SA v1.0)
torent file 4.0 Gb (no Install, just extract to hard drive and play)


  1. gunanya tu buat apa ?

  2. Replies
    1. nggaklah... ribet kali bikin collission aer
      kalo mau pake mod walking on the water sama ganti particle waterclear sama waterwake jadi salju :D

    2. gan spek minimum nya gimana ?
      ane pake notebook cpu intel atom 1,8 ghz, ram 1 gb vga 256 mb kuat ga ya ?
      reply pliss

    3. wah gan, intel atom mah gta sa standar aja nggak kuat alias brebet apalagi dipake mod pack :D

      minimal core 2 duo 2 GHz
      RAM 2 Gb
      VGA 768 Gb

  3. kalo intel celeron ram 4 gb kuat gk ?

    1. berapa speed celeronnya?
      dan VGA nya berapa mem nya?

  4. Kka klo Intel Centrino Inside, NVIDIA Geforce G105M 512MBVRAM, 2 GB Memory kuat gk kak?

  5. cara masukin filenya gimana? ane udah download yang torrent,,

  6. Spek komputer saya,AMD Triple core 2,1 Ghz,RAM 2 GB,VGA ATI Radeon HD 4670 1 GB.Kira2 bisa gak tuh?

  7. gan, ane udah download yang 4gb tapi file nya kok gak bisa di buka ya?

  8. I am : AMD Antholn 64 Processor 2800+ 1.80 overclocked to 2.25 GHZ
    1GB RAM
    HDD 160GB
    Nvidia GeForce FX5200 with WDDM driver and DirectX 9
    Do you kad run it ?

  9. ukurannya bisa dikecilin lagi gak filenya kebesaran
